Track your Order


frequently asked questions

  • How do I track my order?

    Once your order has been placed and processed, you will receive a confirmation email with your order details. This email will include a tracking number and a link to our tracking page. Tracking information may not be immediately available after your

  • How do I cancel my order?

    You will have the option to cancel your order within your confirmation email. You may also contact our customer service team at Please include your order number and the reason for cancellation in your message. Orders can only b

  • My order was marked delivered but it’s not here.

    If no one was home at the time of delivery, the carrier will leave the package in a safe location. Be sure to check around your home and with neighbors/building management who may have collected the package for you. Also, please double-check the ship

  • Can I edit or add anything to my order?

    Once an order is placed, we are unable to make changes to the order. However, if you need to update your shipping address or contact information, please contact our customer service team immediately after placing your order at

  • What do I do if I receive the wrong item in my order?

    We are sorry to hear you received the wrong item in your order! Please report your order issue to our team via email - - for further assistance. Include a photo of the item received and the name of the missing item(s). Please d
